How do you know a guy will not marry you

How do you know a guy will not marry you?: 7 Powerful Signals

Marriage is generally considered a significant milestone in the lives of many individuals. So it is only normal that marriage is your ultimate goal but why has this not happened yet?… I mean, why has he not done the needful (Marrying you)?… I know how confused you currently are about his delays, you have given your all to show him you care for him or maybe you are not currently in a serious relationship, but you are just afraid to commit your time to a guy who may not eventually get you settled.

Here is the cold hard truth: Spending a long time with a guy does not necessarily mean he will marry you, giving your all to a guy in a relationship that is not clearly defined may leave you feeling bad and dejected at the end. Isn’t this why you are asking How do you know a guy will not marry you …?

Marriage isn’t something men wake up to decide on over the night. I mean, men do not just wake up in the morning and the next thing they think about is Marriage, men plan and prepare for it and this is why it is very important to know which guy is ready to settle with you and one that is only playing on your emotions.

In this article, therefore, I will outline 7 powerful signals to help you understand if a guy isn’t serious about marrying you.

Then let’s dive into it to find out.

How do you know a guy will not marry you?

As a married lady who has been through and seen several relationships. One question we have when we are worrying, “Why hasn’t he proposed yet?” is how long does it take a guy to know he wants to marry you? While the answer may vary slightly for individuals, there are a few pieces of research that answer this question.

According to a study, unmarried people reported it would take about seven months, before deciding, while those who are already married said that it took them about six months, to realize they wanted to marry their significant others.

Though your situation may be unique from my research and personal experience, people realise they want to marry their significant other after about six months of being in a relationship. It doesn’t necessarily take years and years for a person to know.

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Now there is no need to fret if you have been dating for over six months and haven’t had a proposal yet, but if it has been years and you are starting to question the relationship. Below are 10 powerful signals you should look out for:

1. He doesn’t move the relationship forward

A guy that is interested in marriage, will take advantage of the slightest opportunity to move the relationship to the next stage. For example, he might want to move in together after a year or so of being in a relationship, or he might plan vacations for the two of you.
But if he is moving in with a new roommate after his rent ends instead of taking the opportunity to move in with you, this might be a sign he is not interested in taking the relationship to the next level.

2. He downplays the seriousness of your relationship 

If you two have been together for months, but he tells people you aren’t that serious, or he refuses to acknowledge that you are dating in public, this is one of the clear signs he doesn’t want to marry you.

It suggests that he’s not proud of the relationship, and if he feels this way, he isn’t going to publicly profess his love by marrying you.

3. You haven’t met his family

If he’s made a point of introducing you to his family and seems to care what they think, this is an indicator of how to know if he wants to marry you.

It is rare for a man to get married without first introducing his potential wife to the family, so if you have been together for a while and haven’t met the family, marriage is probably off the table. 

4. He becomes defensive when you ask about the future 

It’s normal to talk about plans in a long-term relationship. If he becomes angry or defensive when you bring up your future together, this suggests he is feeling pretty conflicted about it.
It is most probably by means that he can sense that you want to talk about marriage, which makes him feel pressured because he doesn’t want to get married.

5. He seems unconcerned about the future 

When you discuss your plans, such as your intention to go back to school or move for a job, he seems entirely uninterested, or he makes plans for his future without including you in them at all.

This shows that he doesn’t see you as being part of his life long-term, and, likely, he won’t marry you.

6. He detaches from you emotionally 

When a man is truly connected to a woman and wants her to be a permanent part of his life, he will allow her to be close to him.
A man who is willing to be vulnerable with you sees a future with you, so if he is building up walls and distancing from you emotionally, he doesn’t see you as wife material.

7. He disrespects you

Disrespect in this context implies flirting with other women in front of you. Flirting with other women in front of you is a big red flag, not only because it shows your boyfriend does not want to marry you, but because he is a player.

Marriage is all about commitment, which is built from the relationship. So, if he is not committed to the temporary courtship, what gives you the impression that he would be happy to settle for life?

Can a man love you and not want to marry you?

Both men and women can be hesitant about marriage, and when romantic partners have different opinions of marriage, the conflict can be challenging to resolve.

It is possible, however, to have a committed and loving relationship without marriage, and a disagreement about marriage doesn’t have to end your relationship, particularly if you both are committed to the relationship. Below are a few reasons why a guy can love you and still not marry you:

• Discomfort with the events that surround a wedding, the costs associated with getting married, or family conflicts that can arise when a couple exchange vows.

• Fear of divorce.

• Fear of losing one’s identity.

• Wanting to “test” the relationship a little longer before taking the plunge.

• Disliking the historical implications of marriage, which include viewing women as property and men as little more than providers.

What do guys look for in a woman they want to marry?

Men want to marry a woman they love and are attracted to, but above all, like women, men want a life partner who will be trustworthy, faithful and reliable. They want a wife who will stand by their side. Here is a list of some traits men look out for when selecting a wife.

1. Ambition and Industriousness

Despite the pervasive stereotype that men are intimidated by ambitious women, men rank this trait ahead of others like refinement, being a good cook and having similar religious backgrounds. While it’s not high on their list, it is clear that men find a woman’s drive, determination and energy attractive qualities in a life partner.

2. Desire for Home and Children

Though woman’s desire for home and children has become less attractive to men over time. As women have increasingly achieved similar levels of education and career status, men may have begun to perceive them as more equal partners. How to divide the labour of home and work isn’t as obvious as it was to their grandparents’ generation. But is one of the traits they look out for when selecting a wife.

3. Good Looks

Women’s looks have become increasingly important to men over the years. Perhaps because modern marriages are more likely based on love and attraction rather than practicalities (like wealth or status), physical attractiveness is more desirable.

4. Good Health

Men look for good health in a potential wife, but it is slightly less important to them today than it was in the past. They are smart to rank it fairly high on their marriage-material list. Both sexes are living well into their 70s, and often older, making good health a predictor of a long-lasting marriage.

6. Sociability

Because today’s married couples are more likely to be friends and have mutual circles of friends, it makes sense that this has become a more attractive characteristic.

7. Pleasing Disposition

Men place a potential wife’s pleasing disposition at a high ranking and have included it in their top five traits since the 1930s.

8. Education and Intelligence

A woman’s education and intelligence are more attractive to men than ever before. This characteristic has been steadily climbing the ranks of men’s desires for decades. Now that women are receiving 60% of college degrees and are half of the workforce, men are looking for women who are both intelligent and educated–or in other words, more accomplished and interesting than ever.

9. Emotional Stability and Maturity

Both men and women consistently cite emotional stability and maturity as one of the most attractive traits in a potential spouse. While men often fall victim to the stereotype of prioritizing physical attraction, when it comes to a potential wife, they want a woman who is grounded and secure in herself.

How to make a man miss you?

Love is a funny thing. You want a guy to miss you, but you are not sure how to get him to. You may start to look for tips on how to make him miss you and convey those feelings. However, few people understand how to make a man miss you when you are not present. The biggest problem with guys is that you don’t even have to try to make them miss you initially. However, as time goes on, those feelings of desire, longing, and missing begin to fade. Below I’ll be sharing a few tips on how to make him miss you, whether he is a boyfriend, fiance, significant other or that ex you want to get back( though I’ll advise against that).

1. Reduce The Frequency Of Interactions

An old and the most basic trick to make him miss you is to reduce interaction.  I understand when you miss someone the urge to interact with them is real. You try to come up with texts that will make him want you or crave daily communication. In some cases, you may even want to be on an hourly communication basis with this person. Here’s some advice. The best way to make a guy miss you is to pull away. Refrain from texting or calling him for the smallest things. If you reach out to him constantly, he does not have any chance to miss you. Instead, give your special person a reason and some time to miss you. When you cut back on contact, your Mr Right will keep wondering whether you are interested in him. This may be quite hard for you to do, but it works like a charm in making him miss you.

2. Respect His Space

Guys are big on their space. If you want to make him want you, respect his space. Have your space and let him have his. Your spaces can intersect and overlap but not infringe on each other. This will not only make him miss you but also show that you have a life outside of him. And if you ask us, this is just as empowering for you. Everybody needs their time and space to clear their minds.

3. Restrict The Usage Of Social Media

Social media is your friend as long as you use it within limits. It has so much potential for exploitation that you can completely go wrong with your plan of making him miss you and end up turning things against you.

When you want to make him miss you, a little bit of mystery is crucial. Even if you are an avid social media user, do not keep updating your status every hour. Post only the best pictures and space out when you post them.

Also, please go easy on the Facebook/BuzzFeed quizzes. Especially ones like “Who is your soulmate?” and “What will your kids look like?” It is okay to be aspirational, but making it look like those are all your priorities will scare him away.

Share pictures of you partying with your girls, and let him gawk. But if he keeps on updating, resist making conversation. That will just give him the impression that you are stalking him online.

4. “Forget” Your Things At His Place

If you are going for a sleepover, try to leave your scarf or sunglasses behind. You can even leave a simple hair clip in his pocket! These little quirks keep guys interested. Seeing your things often will surely make a man miss you. But do not let him catch on to your trick. Don’t start doing this too often. Otherwise, he may just stop finding this whole thing cute and start thinking you are careless instead.

5. Tell Him You Miss Him

We tend to get needy when we start expecting something from our partner, but we never verbally admit that we miss them. The very fact that you are looking for ways to find out how to make him miss you shows that he is somewhat used to you gawking and fawning all over him. Thus, he is taking you for granted.

Here is what you can do — mix things up a bit and treat him like a really good friend. Hold back the feelings that you get for him even though it may become difficult. Do not become rude. Simply be courteous and keep some physical distance between you two whenever you meet. Let him have his space but do let him know you miss him once in a while. Remind him of the fun things you did together before but not anymore. Communicate instead of giving the cold shoulder, hoping to send a message. This will make him reminisce about old times and yearn for them too.

Emotional behaviours and inclinations

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the secret of lasting intimate relationships, largely because it makes us extremely aware of the changes—large and small—that are constantly occurring in ourselves and others. By building on it, you’ll have the sensitivity that each of us is always seeking in a significant other. You’ll automatically sense, through active awareness and empathy, the little shifts in the dynamics of your romance that signal a need for action.

We have the potential to attain the kind of love we all dream of—deep intimacy, mutual kindness, real commitment, soulful caring—simply because of empathy, and our innate ability to share emotional experiences. But to reach the height of romance we need all the skills of a high EQ: sharp emotional awareness to avoid mistaking infatuation or lust for lasting love; acceptance to experience emotions that could harm a relationship if left to fester; and a vigilant active awareness to appraise us of what’s working and what isn’t.

Fortunately, your EQ doesn’t need to have peaked before you embark on love. In fact, for many people, falling in love serves as motivation for re-educating the heart. That’s why some of the most deeply passionate lovers are in their eighties: They discover that two high EQs add up to a romance that never stops growing, never loses excitement, and always strengthens them both, individually as well as collectively. Here are some ways to work on achieving high emotional intelligence.

1. Actively seek change in your relationship

When you ride out your fear of change, you discover that different does not necessarily mean worse. Things often come out better than ever on the far side of change. Relationships are organisms themselves, and by nature must change. Any relationships not nudged toward the kind of growth you want will drift into a change of another kind—maybe one you don’t want. Your ability to embrace change pays off in courage and optimism. Ask yourself, does your lover need something new from you? Do you need to schedule some time to reevaluate together? Are external influences demanding a change in your respective roles? Are you as happy as you used to be? Without EQ, such questions are often just too scary to face, so many lovers ignore signals of change until it’s too late.

2. View the challenges you encounter as opportunities rather than problems

Your courage and optimism allow you to view dilemmas not as problems, but as challenging opportunities. How creative can the two of you be? When you don’t need to blame each other for your emotions, you’re not controlled by negative emotional memories, and you’re alert not to repeat the same old mistake. When you have a high EQ, you’re liberated from ruts and resignation, and you can get down to resourceful problem-solving. You can meet differences between you and unavoidable crises, as invitations to find each other, challenges to get closer and emerge individually and collectively stronger.

3. Respect all the feelings you have for each other

We’re not always delighted by the discoveries we make about the person we love, but when it comes to emotions, it’s necessary to accept them all. Being in love doesn’t mean feeling angry, disappointed, hurt, or jealous. How you act on your emotions is up to you; what’s important is that you feel them. Many relationships have been ruined by blame, and millions of couples have missed out on deep intimacy because of shame. Both are cruel reminders of unfelt anger, fear, and anxiety. If you’ve done the work of building EQ, you’ll experience the emotions and get on with your life together.

4. Keep the laughter in your love life

To avoid intellectualizing emotions you, need acceptance, and a big part of your acceptance comes from laughter. Lovers who can’t laugh together about themselves probably aren’t very accepting of their relationships. They may not be able to tolerate its unique flaws and inevitable stumbles, any more than they can put up with their own. They’re also less likely to be open to a relationship’s most pleasant surprises. Your high EQ, in contrast, means you can keep improving your relationship, but you’ll never get trapped by intolerant expectations of perfection.

5. Pay attention to how you feel when your lover is not around

Fortunately, you have a flawless way of monitoring exactly how your relationship is going: Use the three gauges of well-being to figure out how the rest of your life is going. Are you feeling restless or irritable in general? Do you drag through your day at the office or school after a night of marital bliss? Do you resent family and friends even though the two of you are spending every available minute alone together? Love never benefits from tunnel vision. If you don’t feel energetic, clear-headed, and benevolent all the time, it doesn’t matter whether you coo like doves when you’re together. If the sex couldn’t be better but you’re slipping at work, if you feel safe and cosy hearing “Hi, honey” when you come home at night but are having trouble getting up in the morning, something’s not right—even though everything feels warm and fuzzy in the castle.

When this happens, all the information about you, your lover, and your relationship that your emotions and your intellect have gathered will steer you to the best solution.

As I promised earlier in the article, I have used a little experience and a little research to provide you with the answer to the question: How do you know a guy will not marry you?

I also provided you with answers to the questions:

  • Can a man love you and not want to marry you?
  • What do guys look for in a woman they want to marry?
  • How to make a man miss you?
  • Emotional behaviours and inclinations

Which section of my content provided you with the much-needed answer to your question? Please let me know in the comment section.

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